Соединенные Штаты АмерикиМассачусетсКэмбридж42.375-71.118Страницы контентаCONSTRUCTION MODERNIZATIONСтраницы контентаINDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENTСтраницы контента Shipboard Automatic Welding LineОсновные параметрыh1 Shipboard Automatic Welding LineContent<p>PEMA Shipboard Automatic Welding Line<br /><br />Pemamek Oy (PEMA) is a leader in the design and manufacture of equipment for the mechanization and automation of welding and manipulators for them. PEMA uses in the production of high-tech equipment for the manufacture of robotic systems and automated welding systems. Each product manufactured by PEMA is designed to increase competitiveness and productivity.</p>Отображение в менюImage for title/images/img/2019n19_1.jpgДополнительные параметрыShow submenu1АнгарыСферы применения<ul>
<li>Metal structures</li>