BIM technologies
Building Information Modeling is an approach to the full range of work on the creation of any construction object and its subsequent maintenance in a single information field (model). BIM makes the process of all stages of the life cycle inseparable and creates a digital copy of the construction project.
BIM manages the life cycle of an object at all stages of its existence. The main difference between BIM and other types of design is the collection and complex processing of the entire architectural, design, technological, economic, operational and other information about the construction object in a single environment (BIM model).
At the same time, all elements of the model are interrelated and interdependent, which, in fact, gives the model a factor of realism (approximation of the real situation).
An important component of the BIM innovation approach is the possibility of visual modeling of the construction process itself, in the course of which each of the specialists participating in the project can track the implementation of the technical solutions built by them and their interaction with the subcontractors. When modeling the construction and operation of the facility, it is possible to observe the work provided for by the project online.
So, it would seem, an imperceptible change in the spatial thinking of the designer ultimately significantly reduces the risk of errors, physical and intellectual collisions.
The designer has the ability and direct need to think about the construction as a holistic three-dimensional object (existing also in time), and not as a set of drawings for the examination.
According to a study by the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, the use of BIM technologies already makes it possible to sense the material effect, namely:
Reduction in terms of design up to 50%
Reduction in terms of approval up to 90%
Reduction in terms of internal audit and project expertise
High accuracy in building construction costs savings of up to 20%
Control of ground reserves and backfilling (which saves at least 10% of money)
Reduction of temporary costs of executive survey
The possibility of measurements on the model with an accuracy of 2 cm
Compiling a digital protocol for all stages of construction
The use of BIM technology allows for maximum efficiency in making design decisions.
The main objective of the introduction of such systems to create a dynamic model of construction objects:
digital fixation of changes;
сreation of archives;
optimization and automation of processes at all stages of the life of structures;
the possibility of reducing costs and time costs during the implementation of investment programs for new construction, capital construction, reconstruction and maintenance of buildings and structures.