Соединенные Штаты АмерикиМассачусетсКэмбридж42.375-71.118Страницы контентаCONSTRUCTION MODERNIZATIONСтраницы контентаINDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENTСтраницы контентаMetal preservation linesОсновные параметрыh1Metal preservation linesContent<p>STEM / Rosler Metal Preservation Lines<br /><br />The Rosler shot blasting / shot blasting equipment line includes both precision machining installations and high-capacity shot blasting installations. We are also ready to offer more economical equipment to STEM, which has 30 years of experience in the development and production of shot blasting equipment.</p>Отображение в менюImage for title/images/img/2019n17_1.jpgДополнительные параметрыShow submenu1АнгарыСферы применения<ul>
<li>Metal structures</li>