Соединенные Штаты АмерикиКалифорнияСан Диего32.814-117.135Страницы контентаFIRE<br>PROTECTIONСтраницы контентаFIRE RETARDANT MESHСтраницы контентаINFLEX®-FK-31 Основные параметрыh1INFLEX®-FK-31 Content<div>
<p>INFLEX®-FK-31 performs several functions:</p>
<p>• Prevents flame spread along electric cable sheaths in case of fire in accordance with GOST R 53311-2009.</p>
<p>• Localizes fire emerging in the cable line (cable tray) – high-tensile foam is formed in the ignition point, forms a protective closure which prevents the outside oxygen from penetrating and development of heat source.</p>
<p>• Decreases effects of ignition – toxicity, smoke formation, corrosion activity of smoke- and gas emission products during burning and smoldering of materials of integrated cable system.</p>
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