Соединенные Штаты АмерикиКалифорнияСан Диего32.814-117.135Страницы контентаFIRE<br>PROTECTIONСтраницы контентаFIRE RETARDANT MESHСтраницы контентаADVANTAGESОсновные параметрыh1ADVANTAGESContent<p>Operation time is over 25 years.</p>
<p>No repair, restoration, maintenance costs during the whole service life.</p>
<p>Restoration of cable line fire-protection during cable repair, replacement, disassembly/assembly hardly requires additional costs.</p>
<p>In the places of heated cable the materials change colour, which allows for defining the place of potential breakdown visually.</p>
<p>INFLEX®-FK-31 perforation ensures normal natural ventilation of cables.</p>
<p>High technological properties of assembly guarantees the possibility of works performance under any ambient conditions – temperature, humidity, lack of space, without the necessity of cable surface preparation.</p>Дополнительные параметрыShow submenu1