Соединенные Штаты АмерикиМассачусетсКэмбридж42.375-71.118Страницы контентаFIRE&lt;br&gt;PROTECTIONСтраницы контентаFIRE RESISTANCE OF EQUIPMENTСтраницы контентаREGULATORY FRAMEWORKSОсновные параметрыh1REGULATORY FRAMEWORKSContent<p>At the moment there are no domestic or foreign regulatory frameworks fully specifying the requirements and values of functional fire resistance of process equipment components.&nbsp; &nbsp;<br />Therefore while the requirements for evaluation of functional fire rating of the process equipment are under development, recommends to refer to provisions of the document GAZPROM set of standards (STO GAZPROM) .&nbsp; &nbsp;<br /><br />&nbsp;STO Gazprom 2-1.1-356-2009 Procedural Guidelines to Enhance Resistance of Process Equipment of Gazprom Production Facilities to Fire and Explosion Exposure and to Prevent Cascade Effects: &nbsp;<br />&nbsp;cl. 6.1.4 A term of functional fire resistance of process equipment is introduced by the present standard, which is similar to ensuring safe operation in the event of fire.<br /><br />cl. 6.1.5. To evaluate the fire rating of process equipment components a value of functional fire resistance is used, designated as F15-F90, where figures after F letter mean time (in minutes) of ensuing safe operation of the process component when exposed to negative factors of fire. &nbsp;<br />cl. 5.3.1 Fire ratings of valves, dampers and other components of shut-off and control valves shall be determined according to requirements of ISO 10497:2004 Valves. Requirements for Fire Tests or API 607:2005 Fire Tests for Limited Turn Valves. &nbsp;<br /><br />OPK-ZFO flexible fire jackets are produced for operation according to the technical requirements and individual drawings. <br /><br />OPK-ZFO jackets are delivered in the form of covers ready for prompt installation directly on equipment without any complicated tools used.</p>Дополнительные параметрыShow submenu1