Соединенные Штаты АмерикиМассачусетсКэмбридж42.375-71.118Страницы контентаFIRE<br>PROTECTIONСтраницы контентаFIRE RESISTANCE OF EQUIPMENTСтраницы контентаSCOPE OF APPLICATIONОсновные параметрыh1SCOPE OF APPLICATIONContent<p>OPK-ZFO jackets are used to provide functional resistance of valves, control and instrumentation elements, actuation parts of emergency protection etc. <br />OPK-ZFO flexible fire jackets is the efficient fire protection solution for control systems and provides for significant minimization of risks and damages which may be caused by ignitions at oil refineries, oil platforms, petrochemical plants, thermal power stations, vessels.</p>Дополнительные параметрыShow submenu1