Соединенные Штаты АмерикиКалифорнияСан Диего32.814-117.135Страницы контентаCONSTRUCTION MODERNIZATIONСтраницы контентаINDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENTСтраницы контентаSheet- and profile- machining rollers, specialized shipbuilding pressesОсновные параметрыh1Sheet- and profile- machining rollers, specialized shipbuilding pressesContent<p>"UIC" offers a wide range of equipment for shipbuilding and offshore structures, tanks, car building and mechanical engineering, production of metal structures, pipes, towers of wind generators, as well as for aerospace construction.<br /><br /> Individual solutions for any production needs<br /> Commissioning and training<br /> Service and after sales support<br /><br />"UIC" is the official partner of FACCIN in Russia - a specialist in the field of milling machines, profilegibs, machines for the production of bottoms and special machines, among which are non-standard rollers, presses, as well as sheeting machines.</p>Отображение в менюImage for title/images/img/2019n11_1.jpgДополнительные параметрыShow submenu1АнгарыСферы применения<div class="text-wrap tlid-copy-target">
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<li>Bending / rolling</li>
<li>High Pressure Boilers / Tanks</li>
<li>Pipes and pipelines</li>
<li>Tanks / silos</li>
<li>Production of tank trucks</li>
<li>Electric power facilities</li>
<li>Metal structures</li>
<li>Aerospace industry</li>
<li>Offshore structures</li>